In an ILIASM deal for many years.
Spent decades "why chasing"
2 kids (one with a physical disability)
Marriage turned in to a Financial Partnership only.
Spousal behaviours started to undermine the Financial Partnership in 2005.
Figured things couldn't get much worse.
Over 2006 / 7 they did get worse.
Knew it was done by 2008.
Joined EP ILIASM Feb 2009.
Had legal advice and rough exit strategy in place by June 2009 for a Jan 2010 departure.
Opportunity to get out emerged Oct 2009. Took it.
Moved from city to a rural town.
Spent 8 months in impoverished circumstances until joint assets were split.
Ms enna moved in with me April 2010*.
*there was a slight overlap involved. We'd been friends on EP, decided to meet in July 2009 and did, and it looked like we were well suited (she had left her deal in Apr 2009, I planned to leave in Jan 2010) and it looked like our relationship had legs and was worth taking a shot at it.
I've been as happy as a pig in shit since.
I keep involved with this group because I am still learning shit from the members all the time, which is a great help to me in not fucking up my relationship with Ms enna accidently, and I am still "unlearning" shit from my past. I still have heaps to learn and "unlearn", and this group is a great "real time" instructional manual.
I find writing my comments / observations in this group quite cathartic and helpful (to me) in clarifying my thinking.
If anyone gets anything out of my musings, great, but my prime motive for being here is selfish. I find the group helpful to me.