Bit of fun, be honest!!!
💉Tattoos..................... 1
💎Piercings.................. 10
👰Marriages................. 0
✌Divorces................... 0
🚼Children.................... 2
😷Surgeries.................. 4
🔫Shot a gun............ no
✌Quit a job..................yes
✈Flown on a plane......yes
🚙💨100+miles in a car.. yes
😨Gone zip
😍Fell in love.................yes
🏃 Skipped school........yes
👀👶Watched someone give birth? No
😯Watched someone die........yes
🚑Ridden in an ambulance... yes
🎤Sang karaoke........ yes
🐶Had a pet(s)............Yes
🏂Been sledding on a big hill... a medium, no small hill.
🎿Been downhill skiing..... no
🚲💨Rode a motorbike....... yes.
🐴Rode a horse...........yes
🏥Stayed in a hospital........ yes
💉Donated blood.... yes
🚓Rode in the back of a police car...yes. And the front.
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